Dr. Richard Tedeschi Speaks on Posttraumatic Growth

Feb. 22, 2025 – Dr. Richard Tedeschi, the father of posttraumatic growth, spoke to ACHF representatives and clinicians. In the seminar, Dr. Tedeschi shared that Posttraumatic Growth is not only a process of healing or only an outcome – it is both. In order for an individual to fully experience PTG, they must go through the process of addressing their trauma and then experience the outcome of finding a new meaning in life.

According to the American Psychological Association, “Experiencing positive transformation after trauma is known as post-traumatic growth. People who experience it may develop a new appreciation of life, newfound personal strength, see an improvement in their relationships, see new possibilities in life and undergo spiritual changes.”

Through this seminar, ACHF's partner clinicians had an opportunity to learn how to best treat their patients who are struggling with PTSD from Russia's invasion of Ukraine. With the right application of Dr. Tedeschi's knowledge, Ukrainian veterans will have the opportunity to become stronger because of their experiences in combat or through some other trauma they have experienced during the war.

Dr. Tedeschi is credited with being the father of Posttraumatic Growth (PTG). He earned his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Ohio University and has served in various roles at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. During his time at UNC Charlotte, Dr. Tedeschi worked with Dr. Lawrence Calhoun to study how people can grow in positive ways despite their struggles with PTSD. Their research led to the coining of the term Posttraumatic Growth in 1995. Dr. Tedeschi is still considered the leading researcher on this topic today.

Many thanks to Steve Orten and Dr. Tedeschi for the work they put into coordinating this seminar with ACHF. We are also thankful to our translator, who was present on the call as well as the focus of all the listeners.

We hope to provide additional opportunities like this in the future and are in the process of planning a secondary discussion with Dr. Tedeschi now.


Mental Health Reflections with Camila


Press Release - June 14th, 2024