Christmas at the Heart Institute of Ukraine

During her trip, Lena Denman met with Dr. Demyanchuk, Deputy General Director for Surgery at the Heart Institute of Ukraine. While there, she passed out Christmas gifts to children in the hospital.

ACHF is happy to continue supporting the work of the Heart Institute in Kyiv as they save lives. They regularly take on medically difficult cases, nursing patients back to health. We are pleased to support their life-saving work!

Thank you to our generous donors for providing gifts for children as they recover from surgery in a war zone. Your donations truly brought holiday cheer to Інститут серця МОЗ України. Additionally, thank you, UMCOR - United Methodist Committee On Relief for providing the funds that allowed Lena to travel and deliver the gifts in person.


Christmas Gifts Delivered to Children at the UCCC


Christmas Gifts Given to Kyiv Pediatric Hospitals