(Physical) Heart transplantation medication delivered to the Children’s Center for Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery

On November 24, 2022, The Arlene Campbell Humanitarian Foundation is happy to report that thanks to your generous donations and grant funding from the UMCOR - United Methodist Committee On Relief, a pharmaceutical drug supply Sixdax was purchased. Sixdax is a medication which is required for heart transplant surgeries. This medication was purchased in Ukraine so as to support the local Ukrainian economy. The supply of Sixdax was delivered to the Ukrainian Children’s Center for Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery Центр дитячої кардіології і кардіохірургії. We are grateful to be able to help support the littlest Ukrainians receive heart transplants. This iconic, now viral photo was taken of the surgeons at this hospital operating even as Kyiv went without electricity.


(Physical) A thermo-container for the transportation of organs for transplantation was delivered to the Children’s Center for Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery


(Physical) Winter boots and slippers delivered to a home for the elderly in Chernivtsi, Ukraine