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May Mental Health Seminar

In May of 2024, ACHF was able to provide psychosocial education through grant funding from the United Methodist Committee On Relief. With a team of world-class professors, we were able to train psychologists on PTSD during Mental Health Awareness Month.

We trained 19 psychosocial support professionals and the acclaimed Dr. Israel Liberzon of Texas A&M University brought representatives from the Ukrainian Ministry of Veterans Affairs to speak about job opportunities their ministry could help connect them with.

Dr. Liberzon specializes in CBT Clinical Care, Prolonged Exposure, and PTSD. He provided an excellent seminar for our psychological and psychiatric mental health specialists

We had an excellent group of actively engaged learners who are eager to implement the skills learned in our Mental Health Seminar when they meet with their veterans and active-duty military patients. We are so thankful we got to serve and teach in this way. A huge thank you to UMCOR for funding this seminar and supporting our mental health initiative.

March 20

20 Days in Mariupol Showing

February 22

Posttraumatic Growth (PTG) Virtual Seminar